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Health & Wellness Services

Health & Wellness Services

Birth Support


Our birth support services aim to ensure that you have a fulfilling and empowering birth experience. To achieve this, we offer a range of personalized services that include:

Prenatal Visits: Our experienced team will assess your needs and desires for birth. We will work closely with you to define and understand our expectations of each other. Additionally, we will equip you with valuable tools for labor and birth to help you feel prepared and confident.

Birth Preferences Assistance: We understand that every birth is unique, and we are here to support your choices. Our skilled professionals will assist you in clarifying your preferences for birth. We will explain the options available to you, ensuring that you are well informed and able to make confident decisions.

Access to the Lending Library: As part of our commitment to your learning and education, you will have access to our extensive lending library. From pregnancy and birth books to videos on baby care, our collection is designed to support your journey and provide valuable resources for you to explore.

Continuous Physical, Emotional, and Informational Support: During labor and birth, our dedicated team will provide unwavering support to you and your partner. We will be by your side, accompanying you through the entire process, offering physical comfort, emotional guidance, and informational assistance. Your vision for your baby's birth will be at the forefront of our care.

Initial Breast/Chest Feeding Support: We recognize the importance of establishing successful breastfeeding. If there are no COVID restrictions in place, we will provide immediate breast or chest feeding support after birth. Our knowledgeable team will help your baby latch on properly and encourage the establishment of breastfeeding, ensuring a positive start to your breastfeeding journey.

Postpartum Follow-Up Visit: Once your baby has arrived, we will celebrate this joyous milestone with you. Our postpartum follow-up visit is an opportunity for us to answer any questions you may have during the early postpartum period. Our team will provide guidance and support as you navigate this new chapter in your life.

Unlimited Communication: We believe it is essential to have access to support whenever you need it. Throughout your pregnancy and early labor, our team is just a phone call, text, or email away. We are here to address any concerns, answer your questions, and offer suggestions and support to ensure your journey is as smooth as possible.

Additional Amenities: To cater to your physical well-being, we also offer the option of meals and/or meal planning if needed. Additionally, we provide very light housekeeping services, including light laundry and folding, as well as tidying up, to create a serene and comfortable environment for you and your growing family.

At New Birth Journey, we strive to provide you with a truly exceptional birth support experience. Discover the joy of a well-supported birth journey by engaging with our services today. Contact us now to embark on this remarkable adventure alongside our dedicated team.

Postpartum Services


Are you a new parent in the beautiful city of New Haven, Connecticut? Look no further than New Birth Journey's Postpartum Services to support you and your little one during this precious time. Our Health and Wellness Services offer a range of personalized support to ensure you and your baby(s) thrive in the postpartum period.

At New Birth Journey, we understand the importance of having a strong support system in place as you navigate the joys and challenges of early parenthood. We are committed to providing you with the necessary tools and guidance to make this journey smooth.

One of the key components of our Postpartum Services is our comprehensive postpartum plan for baby's care and feeding. We believe that a well-thought-out plan is essential to promoting comfort and growth for both you and your little one. Whether you choose to breastfeed, chest feed, or bottle feed, our dedicated team will provide the necessary support and tips to ensure success.

In addition to baby care, we also offer sibling care for those who need it. We understand that transitioning to a larger family dynamic can be overwhelming, and our experienced caregivers will take care of your older children so that you can focus on bonding with your newborn.

We believe that nurturing your own physical and emotional well-being is just as important as caring for your baby(s). That's why our Postpartum Services also include tips and support to nurture your birthing body, your baby(s), and your family. Our experts will provide valuable advice to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and manage the emotional challenges that come with being a new parent.

Furthermore, we understand that finding time to prepare meals can be challenging, which is why we offer meal planning services. Our team will provide you with nutritious meal options or even prepare meals for you if needed. Additionally, we offer very light housekeeping, such as light laundry and tidying up, to ensure your home is a relaxing and stress-free environment.

Engaging with our customers is important to us, which is why we encourage you to reach out to us to discuss your specific needs and expectations. At New Birth Journey, we strive to exceed your expectations and provide you and your baby(ies) with the utmost care and support during this transformative time.

Discover the difference New Birth Journey's Postpartum Services can make in your life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on this beautiful journey with confidence.

Lactation Support


Are you a new parent looking for top-notch Lactation Support? Look no further! Our Lactation Support service is specifically designed to assist and guide you through the incredible journey of breastfeeding.

At New Birth Journey, we understand that breastfeeding can sometimes be a challenging experience. That is why our qualified professionals are here to offer their expertise and support on breastfeeding matters. Our lactation consultants are dedicated to ensuring you have all the knowledge and tools you need to forge a strong bond with your little one through breastfeeding.

Our Lactation Support service includes personalized breast and chest feeding consultations, available both virtually and in person. Whether you prefer the convenience of a virtual consultation from the comfort of your own home or a face-to-face session, we've got you covered. During these sessions, our experts will patiently guide you on various breastfeeding techniques, helping you learn how to latch your baby in the most effective way possible. We will also introduce you to different holds that can offer extra support and comfort to both you and your little one.

But our service doesn't end there. We go above and beyond to make sure you have a truly exceptional experience with us. Our lactation consultants are trained to address any concerns or questions you may have, offering personalized advice and solutions tailored to your unique needs. We believe breastfeeding should be a joyful and empowering journey for both you and your baby, and we strive to make that a reality.

So, if you're ready to embark on this beautiful Lactation Support journey, we invite you to engage with us today. Contact our friendly team at New Birth Journey to book your consultation and start discovering the incredible benefits of breastfeeding for you and your little one. Don't miss out on this opportunity to receive the highest quality Lactation Support in New Haven, Connecticut. Trust the New Birth Journey to guide you every step of the way.


Health & Wellness Services

Health & Wellness Services

Birth Support

Our birth support services aim to ensure that you have a fulfilling and empowering birth experience. To achieve this, we offer a range of …
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Postpartum Services

Are you a new parent in the beautiful city of New Haven, Connecticut? Look no further than New Birth Journey's Postpartum Services to …
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$30.00 /hour

Lactation Support

Are you a new parent looking for top-notch Lactation Support? Look no further! Our Lactation Support service is specifically designed to …
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$20.00 /hour

Standard Consultation

With a contemporary blend of virtual and in-person modes, our consultants offer 30-, 45-, or 60-minute sessions tailored to your specific …
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O Baby... Package

Introducing the O Baby... Package, your all-in-one solution for an unforgettable birth and postpartum experience. This package is crafted …
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